Prompted by Angela's "Full Disclosure" posting on her blog,
Angela's Northern California Garden Blog, I thought I might as well come clean about the current state of things in my garden. In my own defense, I have to point out that in the last month and a half, there have been only a scant handful of rain-free days to get any gardening done, but ... yuk. All I can say is that I have high hopes for improving things in the coming months.
With that said, let's do a clockwise turn around the garden, starting at the back doorstep...

This is currently the brightest spot in the garden: a pot of Nemesia that I got for free at P. Allen Smith's seminar at the San Francisco Flower Show last month.
Right next to that is BH's garden, a little memorial garden-in-progress for my late, great cat. This picture was taken a few days ago, but now the Bleeding Hearts in the back are almost ready to bloom. I'm planning on putting in catnip and Forget-Me-Nots as well.

Next, we come to one of my problem children: a passion flower vine that doesn't seem to be happy no matter where I put it. Last month I moved it here, which is the sunniest spot I've got to offer it. I'm starting to feel like this pathetic little passion is a reflection of my romantic history. I seem to spend most of my time standing in front of it imploring, "Just tell me what you want!"

And oh, yes, there are a few weeds. Well, more than a few...
This spot is where I intend to plant veggies this year, possibly trying the lasagna method.
And by this time next month, I hope to have this next area on the side of the house set up as a propagation area. The recycling bin will also get relocated here.

This side bed may look innocent enough, but lurking just below the surface are hundreds of small tubers resulting from the Four O'Clocks I planted two years ago. I really need to get them dug up and donated to unsuspecting gardeners who don't know that they will reproduce like rabbits. Once they're cleared, I'm planting a brugmansia that I'm starting from a cutting and some liriope that I have waiting in 4-inch pots.

Next comes my shed and deck, which could definitely use some sprucing up.

And in front of the deck is an odd, little rectangular bed. It was laid with sod when I moved in, but since I happily tore that out, I've had good luck with lettuce and spinach, and more recently, strawberries here. The stick-like thing in the big pot in the middle is a dwarf Ranier Cherry. After I bought it, I learned that I need to get it a boyfriend cherry tree if I ever want it to fruit.

An no, that's not snow on the ground in the middle of the bed. It's the remnants of the shredded office paper I tried out as mulch last year. The pots in the foreground are three lavendar starts and about 22 Ogallala strawberries I got a few weeks ago from Gurney's.
Next is the L-shaped bed that runs around the western corner of my lot. Along the back fence are iris, daffodils, papyrus, a volunteer calla lilly, some delphiniums, nasturtiums, and a few primroses. In the corner is a lilac that I planted in February (bought bare-root from Smith & Hawken). Then along the side fence are a couple more delphinium, three roses (two of which are from my grandmother's garden), and an apricot hibiscus.

Last but not least, there's a wonderful jasmine climbing up an invisible trellis on the side of the carport. Some irises have made a tentative appearance below it, amongst the weeds.
As you can also glimpse here, the clutter in the carport has gotten out of control. Soon to be dealt with, though.
And here we are, back again at the back door. My mustached cat, Linus, is peeking out to say good-bye.